Architecture: Informal Definitions
Interpretation of popular but non-standard definitions of architecture.
3 minutes
A Programming Language Endgame
What's the final destination for programming language evolution?
2 minutes
OpenAPI Internationalization Status
We don't have a way to add several descriptions to OpenAPI objects, in different languages. We won't have it soon.
1 minute
Practical Checkstyle Config
Consistent, practical, and nicely structured checkstyle config.
1 minute
Reasons to (not) Make the World Better
"We work to make the world a better place" is a lie.
5 minutes
Thoughts on Leadership in Software Development
Observations about leaders in software development.
3 minutes
Data ≠ Information, Information ≠ Understanding
The difference between data, information, and understanding. Thoughts on online advertising.
2 minutes
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
Book review and quotes.
36 minutes
Connection pool + distributed lock = deadlock
How to get a deadlock using PostgreSQL advisory lock.
3 minutes
How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking
Book review and quotes.
25 minutes
Working with secrets using Ansible
How to nicely encrypt some values in any yaml, keeping the entire file unencrypted.
1 minute